Additional steps

Additional step for Hyvä-based themes

If you are using any theme that is extending either the theme Hyva/reset or the Hyva/default and/or is using the Hyvä frontend stack (Alpine.js and TailwindCSS), then this theme is labeled as a Hyvä-based theme.

See the instructions for Hyvä

Additional step for Luma-based themes

If you are using any theme that is extending either the theme Magento/blank or the Magento/luma and/or is using the original Magento 2 frontend stack (KnockoutJS, RequireJS and jQuery), then this theme is labeled as a Luma-based theme.

See the instructions for Luma

Additional step for Breeze-based themes

For using Loki Checkout under Breeze (Blank or Evolution), simply follow the instructions under Luma. It works in the same way.

Recommended settings

We recommend you configure Magento with the following settings:

  • Change the number of street lines (@todo)
  • Disable the middlename input
  • Disable the fax input
  • Perhaps disable the telephone input as well

Pick Grid Layout @todo

Pick a theme @todo

Pick extensions @todo

Disable CSP

At this moment, CSP is supported by the Loki Checkout. All inline JavaScript supports the CSP policies of removing unsafe-eval and unsafe-inline. However, because Loki Checkout is just an extension within a theme based on Hyvä and/or Luma, the real question is whether they support unsafe-eval and unsafe-inline properly.

If you want, you can enable the Yireo_LokiCheckoutCsp module which replaces the normal Hyvä version of AlpineJS with the CSP build of AlpineJS.

Alternatively, you can also disable CSP by enabling CSP reporting:

magerun2 config:store:set csp/mode/storefront_checkout_index_index/report_only 1
Last modified: January 21, 2025