
Even though Yireo LokiCheckout is offered as a commercial package, its source code is open and we welcome contributions. Together we can make this work.

To get started, you should have access to the Yireo GitLab server. Next, configure your SSH public key within your Yireo GitLab account. WIth that, you will be able to pull in sources directly from the GitLab server, instead of via the Yireo Composer API.

git clone ssh://

Note that the Yireo SSH server is running at port 61023, not port 22.

Setting up a Magento site with GitLab repositories

To use the various GitLab sources in a Magento environment, we recommend setting up the sources as a composer path repository:

cd /var/www/html/magento/
composer config repositories.loki-checkout path package-source/loki-checkout/\*
cd package-source/loki-checkout
git clone ssh://

After this, the command composer require should find the local packages:

cd /var/www/html/magento/
composer require yireo/magento2-loki-checkout --prefer-source
Last modified: January 17, 2025