A Magento 2 checkout - for developers - created by by Yireo


Because you will definitely benefit from this

Compatible with Hyvä Themes

The Loki Checkout was built with Hyvä Themes in mind: Tailwind and Alpine. We love Hyvä and this is definitely for the Hyvä community.

Compatible with Luma Themes

Out-of-the-box, both the original Luma theme (thus Blank thus any derivative) and Hyvä Themes are supported. And they look good too.

Based on Loki Components

Granular components for steps, forms and fields make things easy. Each component includes an AlpineJS component and a Repository / ViewModel PHP classes.

Zero templates overrides

Small templates, XML layout-based configurations and a CssClass util guarantee that the number of template overrides are kept to a bare minimum.

Improved performance

Running a checkout with Alpine and Tailwind guarantees performance. On top of this, Loki Components make sure multiple things are done in a single HTTP request.

Out-of-the-box integrations

Various payment providers are supported out-of-the-box, as is PostNL, postcode validation, VAT ID validation. And together we will build more integrations.

No bundled extensions

We don't do bundled extensions (extensions that are enforced because of commercial interest). The choice of which extensions are in your checkout are purely yours.

Built with CSP in mind

All sources have been added with CSP no-eval and no-inline in mind - including the Alpine CSP build. With that, the Loki Checkout is PCI 4 Compliant

Focus on accessibility

Each field is saved once blurred. ARIA attributes are everywhere. And compliance is tested with Playwright prior to every release.

Why yet another Magento 2 checkout?

Because we believe things can be even easier for developers


The devil is in the in-depth details

Loki Components

Loki uses a tree of Loki Components, so you can easily work on individual components without breaking the rest: Adding new fields, customizing existing new templates, changing error messages, using other icons, swapping steps. And a lot of things are configurable through the XML layout.

Switching countries

Whenever the country is changed (in other words: the value of that specific Loki Component is updated), it will update other components (by default, the region - which is either a text-field or a select-field - and the postcode) within a single HTTP request.

Validation via client & server

Every field component offers both client-side (JavaScript) validation and server-side (PHP) validation. Validators are easily configured through a dedicated Loki XML or the XML layout. New validators in both PHP and JS are registered without a fuzz.

EU VAT validation

The VAT ID field is preconfigured with the relevant country prefix. On top of this, VAT IDs are validated server-side. And when configured to do so, it will be validated against the VIES service. Which sucks. So, Geissweb EU VAT Enhanced is supported too.

Multiple themes

We ship with a one-column, two-column and three-column theme. Pick the one you like. Each theme is actually nothing more than an XML layout handle, so it is dead-easy to create your own: Move the blocks around, add styling, voila. Each Loki Component (including fields and steps) is designed to be re-positioned with ease.

Why yet another new Magento 2 checkout?

Yes, it increases conversion. Thats not the point. The point is that it is bloody fast, easy to customize and accessible out-of-the-box.

Checkout our demos

Because the proof is in the pudding

We got your back

It is time to let go off hard-to-customize checkouts, which make devs cry. Loki is proof that it could be done differently.


We currently run private trials with existing Dutch partners only

With that, a partner being somebody that Yireo has done business with in the past
Loki Standard
per Magento instance for 1 year
  • Source code of all Loki packages
  • Support via private Yireo GitLab
  • No support for customization
  • Free access to core Loki video course (when ready)
  • Free access to developer documentation
  • Renewals cost 245 Euro per Magento instance per year
Not available
Becomes available in Q2 2025
Loki Professional
per Magento instance for 1 year
  • Everything under Loki Standard package
  • Currently available to chosen Dutch partners only
  • Support via mail for customization
  • Priority development of new features
Currently available for everyone
Loki Partner
per Magento agency
  • Everything under Loki Professional package
  • Available to chosen Dutch partners only
  • Joined effort to maintain Loki stability
  • Joined effort to develop Loki extensions
  • Bundled instance licensing (with a minimum of 5 licenses)
Not available
Becomes available in Q2 2025
  • Support for most Magento core settings;
  • Support for most Magento payment providers;
  • Support for most Magento shipment providers;
  • Focus on Dutch payment providers;
  • Focus on Dutch shipment providers;
  • Postcode NL and EU VAT supported out-of-the-box;
  • Excellent performance out-of-the-box;
  • Based on AlpineJS and TailwindCSS;
  • Built for Hyvä Themes and Luma Themes;
  • Flexible architecture;
  • Developer-friendly by sticking to core Magento technologies;
  • Simple straight-forward customization by developers;
  • Even more flexible architecture with numerous code samples to proof this;
  • Tested with integration tests and PlayWright tests;