
This is an add-on package for adding a new field Account Type to the Loki Checkout, allowing a customer to register as either on Individual account or a Company account. When the account type is set to Individual, the company field and the VAT ID field are not rendered.

Current status: Stable


Install this package via composer (assuming you have setup the composer.yireo.com repository correctly already):

composer require yireo/magento2-loki-checkout-account-type

Next, enable this module:

bin/magento module:enable Yireo_LokiCheckoutAccountType


This module adds a new Loki Component account_type to both the billing and the shipping address. This includes both a ComponentViewModel and a ComponentRepository. To allow for the company field and the VAT ID field not to be rendered, DI plugins are made for the corresponding ComponentViewModels.


For getting support, create an Issue under the following project URL:



Module Setup
Intended functionality


dev-main 25 January 2025
0.0.1 21 January 2025

Composer details

Magento module name Yireo_LokiCheckoutAccountType
Composer name yireo/magento2-loki-checkout-account-type
Composer version 0.0.1
Default branch main
Requirements magento/framework: ^103.0
magento/module-checkout: ^100.4
yireo/magento2-loki-components: ~0.0.1
yireo/magento2-loki-checkout: ~0.0.5

Last modified: January 26, 2025